I'd argue that making a most-used-skills as minors build IS metagaming.
Sure it is, but it gets all the metagaming out of the way right at the beginning, before I even start actually playing the character, and saves me from having to pay even the least attention to any of that from that point on. With the right build (which, with the warped leveling system in Oblivion, is rarely if ever most-used-skills as majors), I can already do what's promised for this game - just play the game and ignore the numbers and just let all that sort itself out. No grinding, no counting, no spreadsheeting - just playing the game.
Anyway, Todd says that you can go through the entire game without ever looking at the skill screen, which means to me that you will level in the background, but you can choose the H/M/S bonus and perk whenever you feel like it. I think the only thing that will happen automatically is the automatic health boost.
Todd says lots of things.
I remain concerned that the game will level too fast and that there will be no comfortable way to counter that - that, contrary to Beth's PR, I'll end up forced into playing the game the way they want rather than playing it the way that I want. I can only wait and see, but, for now, that's one of my concerns.