Am I the only [censored] person in the world who really likes these damn things and doesn't give a flying [censored] about being "forced" out of first person? I really wish they'd actually show off the third-person play instead of simply insisting that it's a "viable option" now, because if it looks cool enough then I just might play in third person more often.
At any rate, as I've said before, what I really like about the finishers in third person is that it makes me feel like my guy (who is not me, but a character I control, for [censored]'s sake) is a part of the game world itself, and has actual physical interaction with the enemies he slays rather than just waving a damn sword around in their general direction until they ragdoll. It looks interesting, damn it, and the longest one we saw was at the end of the dragon battle, and it was all of five seconds, and appropriately flashy for the end of a major battle.
Still, given how much endless crying about it is on the forums I have no trouble believing they'll have an option to get rid of it completely, because after all, it's not like you'll get sick of seeing a ragdoll fall down after the 500th time. It's only one and a half second ribcage poking that ruins everything forever.
So because someone thinks something looks cool, everyone should be forced to see it? :confused:
One of the things a lot of people love about TES is it's one of the few first-person RPGs out there, and they prefer to play in first-person for a reason. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Will the game be any worse for you personally if they make finisher moves optional? No. Will the game be any worse for you if you have to switch manually into third-person to see a third-person finisher, or switch into first-person to see a first-person finisher? Hardly, unless you're lazy and need the game to control things for you.
I really wish people would stop being so selfish. I much prefer first-person, but you don't see me complaining about how much they've improved the third-person side of things for people who prefer that view. You don't see me complaining about how interaction with NPCs can occur in third-person now.
what I really like about the finishers in third person is that it makes me feel like my guy (who is not me, but a character I control, for [censored]'s sake) is a part of the game world itself
Looking at it that way is perfectly fine and logical, however I see things this way:
I'm roleplaying - ie. playing the role of a character. Therefore for the duration of the game, I AM that character - the character is not me. So rather than guiding the character around like a puppet in third-person, I like to see the world through their eyes constantly.

...this, my friend, is why it's good for a game to have options (especially a game built around player freedom). Lots of people will have different opinions on POV, so why not just let the first-person people play in first-person, and the third-person people play in third-person. There is abolutely NOTHING stopping people who want a bit of both to switch between the two.