
Post » Mon Feb 25, 2013 1:28 pm

Anyone know anything about the quirks of ForceGreeting?

Like... it sometimes getting called randomly, on whichever NPC is closest to you at the time it is called. Under certain circumstances.

I've certainly seen that even if it's used in a script with a fix to a specific NPC, if that NPC isn't there, it can (sometimes) hijack another nearby NPC instead. Although only when their Hello distance is triggered, which normal ForceGreeting doesn't need. And it's odd, because ForceGreeting shouldn't care if the NPC is in the cell, it can work across cells, eg companion telepathy rings.

I know this is all really vague, I'm just hoping this rings bells with someone who knows a bit more about ForceGreeting. I've read what's in MWSFD, it doesn't seem to cover what I'm seeing.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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