Forcing Animations

Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:33 am

I'm new to the CK, have watched all the official videos, and decided to practice by building a dungeon. It's a simple premise of a werewolf terrorizing some locals, the Jarl sending a small group of guards believing the cave to be home to nothing but wolves (pesky farmers and their tall tales!), and the player being sent to check on the lost guards and find out what's happened to them.

So I'm building a cave system with 4 rooms and some connecting hallways. The first room has some mutilated guards (easy enough), but in the second room I want the player to see the werewolf on the far side as soon as he enters. I'm looking for a way to have the game recognize when the player has entered that room, and then force an animation to play on the werewolf. It's the "well escape" animation, from the Falkreath questline, only he'll be climbing up a cave wall alongside a waterfall this time. The player wouldn't be able to climb after him, so would have to follow the cave system around to get up to the room where the waterfall comes from (at which point he can jump down the waterfall after battling the werewolf for a quick exit).

So I've got the idea all set up, and I've got most of the layout designed. I've found the animation in the CK, but I'm not sure how to force it to play at a specific time. Is there a tutorial someone could link me to? I'm assuming it's going to be similar to trap and ambush systems, with the activator boxes. I could place an activator box at the room entrance which would trigger the climbing animation as the player steps into it? I have just have no idea how to use them, or where to find a tutorial on forcing animations.

Thanks for reading :happy:

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Eliza Potter
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