I guess people can't read or comprehend this for some reason
That, my friend, is a problem. The game goads and tricks you into joining. You may not be forced to, but the only option is to hop on a forum and ask around if there is a way to not commit a crime. That, to me, destroys immersion even more then the problem it is trying to fix.
What destroys immersion is knowing instantly who to talk too due to the massive arrow above their head.
If people were going for out right immersion, they wouldnt use the quest markers, and instead would have gone to for example riften and asked around, probably in the tavern, as thats generally where most gossip is. Found from the guy in the tavern that esberns in the ratway, and skipped the whole speaking to brynjolf all together.
Same applies to the winterhold issue, people would have gone to the winterhold city, gone to the tavern, found the mage who when asked about it, will tell you to goto the college, he then lets you in, bypassing that woman at the gate.
Im sorry but the reason peoples immersion is being broken is because they are following damn massive arrows that are there to guide people around who dont want to play the game as a RPG, but is rather part of the "streamlining".
If people had actually played the game from the start in a roleplay manner, they would be talking to all the other people who give you the extra options. It shouldnt be pointed out to you.. you should explore if the option to avoid these places is even there before comming on here and moaning they dont exist. They DO exist, people just need to use some damn intelligence and not expect it to be handed to them.