What bothers me more than Bethesda trying to push me to be Archmage, Archthief and Archassassin, Daedra servant as well as a dragonslayer all at once - is not being able to remove the quests I don't want to. I end up with having a bunch of quests that spam my quest list, and they appear on the quest list even when I decline! For example, Jaree-Ra will invite me to do some dirty work, I decline, but I still get the quest right up there.
As for the "I don't want to be the dragonborn" thing, well, don't recover the Dragon Tablet, and you won't become one.
You're a dragonBORN not TABLETborn. Whether you recover dragon tablet or not doesn't change a fact that your character is a dragonborn whether you know it or not. After the tablet you just know it.
Why can't I choose to have someone else be a Dovahkid, one of the boss-like characters, and I kill him? That would be very satisfying for me personally.