Foreshadowing of the next elder scrolls title in Skyrim?

Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:50 am

As some of you might know, Morrowind had quite the foreshadowing of Oblivion. There was Wulf in the basegame, Eno Romari in Tribunal and Oddfrid in Bloodmoon. Fun fact: a unique skull can be found in Kolbjorn Barrow in the Dragonborn DLC, which I think is Oddfrid.

Oblivion had some very minor foreshadowing of Skyrim, with M'aiq talking about dragons and Blades waiting for the dragonborn. Probably some more things that I missed.

Now I'm wondering if you found anything odd in Skyrim that might hint at the future. Only thing I could find was Tullius hinting at a second Great War.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:08 pm

March 2016 is the date for the next release. It will be in the swamps. I was hoping the next release would allow you to do Morrowind, Skyrim and the new map. Allow you to combine all the worlds of Elder Scrolls and travel between them.

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Josephine Gowing
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:21 am

Pffff, right. It's called black marsh btw, not 'the swamps'.

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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:08 pm

Sure, there's the whole unfinished business with the Psijic Order and the Eye of Magnus, the Thalmor, and the assassination of the Emperor.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:43 am

Clever :)

I think that the eye of magnus playing a part in the next TES is a very real possibility. Not sure about the emperor's assasination, personally I don't think it will have that much of an impact.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:26 pm

Yeah, I agree about the emperor, but just thought it left a "loose end."

But the Psijics, Thalmor, and Eye of Magnus hint at the next game (or the one after that) having some kind of Psijic involvement, probably in a war against the Thalmor.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:12 pm

In particular, Ancano mentions that the Thalmor have issues with the Psijics. From Oblivion conversations about syndicates of wizards, and the in-game book Rising Threat, we know that there is rivalry and conflict between factions in the Summerset Isles. Whether that's the subject of TES VI or a later game is unknown, of course.

The Emperor's assassination causes an issue in Cyrodiil, probably the last nail in the Empire's coffin, but that could just keep them from interfering too much in whatever province they choose next.

We're also aware that Hammerfell is battling the Thalmor, and the White Gold Concordat excluded them.

All of which means the only province we don't expect the game to be in is Skyrim.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:51 pm

That makes sense. Skyrim almost makes you forgot the Thalmor are but a faction, considering most players will immediately associate altmer with the thalmor.

We've seen the empire crumbling but I'd like to see the aldmeri dominion's internal struggles aswell.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:37 pm

Would like to see a game that has more than one province (besides arena).

Perhaps the "second great war" will redefine some boundaries giving them a reason to include a few provinces and the main character has to fight or make peace between them.

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adam holden
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:58 pm

As far as the Thalmor go, I think it would make sense if TES VI, took place in Hammerfell. Otherwise, I believe we're looking at Black Marsh and the situation under which, the Hist drove the Argonians to invade Morrowind.

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Ria dell
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:34 am


There were rumors about an unfinished DLC in the Dragontail mountains, over the border in Hammerfell, centered on New Orsinium. There was also the Alik'r hunting that fugitive in Whiterun. Both suggest an interest in Hammerfell.

However: the Thalmor, Psijics and frequent talk of a second Great War does draw attention to the Dominion, including Summerset, Elsweyr and Valenwood.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:42 pm

I have a feeling that TESVI will take place in the southwestern portion of Tamriel, but like Daggerfall, only be in portions of each province down there. It would most likely emphasize the conflict going on down there near the borders.

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:07 pm

I believe the next game will center around the Second Great War and the Summerset Isles. At least I hope it does.:D

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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:52 am

Shhh... they don't like it when you call it "Black Marsh". They prefer the term "Argonia", marsh friend MarkedforDeath.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:06 am

If there's anything being foreshadowed at all, it's an Event that'll be going down in Hammerfell. It seems there's an awful lot of references to Hammerfell in Skyrim.

Alinor is a distinct possibility as well, as is High Rock.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:13 pm

Get lost, troll

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Lexy Dick
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 7:33 pm

I don't think we will find much foreshadowing, as that would imply they had the setting and plot of the next title 100% decided during the development of Skyrim, which I find highly unlikely..

sure, looking back you may see things as "foreshadowing", but it was not necessarily foreshadowing, and was very possibly just the result of the human mind naturally looking to make connections between similar things.. I mean, in Oblivion we heard just as many rumors of the various other provinces as we did rumors about Skyrim..

alot of those references may simply be due to geographical proximity.. in a world with no internet or telephone you are clearly going to hear more about a nation you border with than one on the other side of a war torn continent..

first, you should not take anything M'aiq says seriously, he is an Easter Egg whos entire purpose in the world is to reference various "community in-jokes" like the Fishy Stick or Colovian Fur Helm, and to talk about removed and unfinished content.. the Dragon reference was likely referring to the desire around the forums at the time of Oblivions development to see Dragons make a proper appearance.. I have heard others say it was hinting towards a quest they considered from early development that they never made that would have had you taking on a Dragon in a cave near Cheydinhal, although I have never seen data supporting that in the CS myself..

as for the blades waiting for a Dragonborn, I wouldn't really call that "foreshadowing" Skyrims plot either, the Blades entire purpose is to serve the Dragonborn, and with the last known one dying when Martin sacrificed himself, what else would be left for them to do but wait? if you job is to serve a customer, but you have no customers, you wait for one to arrive

see, foreshadowing can work in a series that comes out every year or two like Assassins Creed, but not with something with something with as sporadic of a release Schedule as TES.. because to properly use "Foreshadowing" you have to have the setting and most of the plot already decided on by the early-mid stages of the game prior to it's development..

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Trey Johnson
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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 9:57 pm

I do think that there is likely some degree of foreshadowing that occurs, however, the problem is deciphering exactly what would be most likely, since there are normally always things from every region discussed. For all we know, the visit to Solsteim in Skyrim might be a "foreshadowing" of visiting mainland Morrowind.

Still, I must say, I really don't think there is any doubt that Hammerfell is probably the most likely location. It has hints of Skyrim, for nostalgia from the Skyrim players, it has an abundance of lore, it has the potential to be the most weird of all human regions while still being familiar, it could serve as a good way to wrap up dwemer stuff or add to the lore for the dwemer/numidium, there could be an occasional dragon boss (fang lair), lots of factional conflict which many people have been asking for, etc.

I assume the hoonding thing would also provide good marketing purposes, better than something from the other regions, in my opinion.

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Post » Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:52 pm

There is no info about future TES games, so anything on the internet is just rumours.

You can use the for any speculating.

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