I went back to the temple in Markarth after killing Nepos and Eltrys was dead, There was a legate there that wanted to arrest me "for Crimes against the Empire and Skyrim" I have the game guide and I have played this quest once before when I had the vanilla version of this game. HOWEVER since I updated with the DLC's I cannot get arrested properly. I went to do this Cidna Mines Side quest /Jail quest BUT I cannot get it to work I want the god armor at the end of it!!!!!!!! Mononock is inaccessible. The Orc I am suppose to brawl in the jail does not give me the chance to to this.
I only keep 5 game saves and cannot go back to the very beginning of this quest has anyone else ever has this happen??? I need to know for the next time I play through this game.
Thanks Dances With Eagles (this is my real American Indian name)
I sure Hope that Bethesda is looking for bugs reported in here cause this is not the only one I have found in this game.