Foresworn ConspiracyKing In Rags quest BROKEN! Xbox 360

Post » Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:42 am

I went back to the temple in Markarth after killing Nepos and Eltrys was dead, There was a legate there that wanted to arrest me "for Crimes against the Empire and Skyrim" I have the game guide and I have played this quest once before when I had the vanilla version of this game. HOWEVER since I updated with the DLC's I cannot get arrested properly. I went to do this Cidna Mines Side quest /Jail quest BUT I cannot get it to work I want the god armor at the end of it!!!!!!!! Mononock is inaccessible. The Orc I am suppose to brawl in the jail does not give me the chance to to this.

I only keep 5 game saves and cannot go back to the very beginning of this quest has anyone else ever has this happen??? I need to know for the next time I play through this game.

Thanks Dances With Eagles (this is my real American Indian name)

I sure Hope that Bethesda is looking for bugs reported in here cause this is not the only one I have found in this game.

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Liv Brown
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Post » Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:10 am

If you are talking about where you get arrested and go to the mines, then you might have to clear a bounty before you can continue. If that does not work then you will have to go to an earlier save. The saying for crimes against the empire and Skyrim is where you have a bounty that needs to be paid off. That is not what the guards usually say when they go to arrest you and put you in the mines. Hope this helps.

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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Tue Apr 01, 2014 12:12 pm

yes this is the quest I am talking about and thanks I did not think about that prospect. I do not think I currently have any bounties on me in Markarth. The quest pointer in the Talos temple is not pointing at anything and is hanging in midair over nothing. It is in front of the left pillar when facing the talos shrine. Has anyone else ever seen this

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Heather Dawson
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Post » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:04 am

Never had this happen. I do know that you should complete the quest in a certain order.

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Brian LeHury
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