Naturally, I began to suffer from ... ANT NECTAR WITHDRAWAL!!!
So I made a beeline for the closest doctor to detox me for some caps. I went to Doc Mitchell in Goodsprings first, thinking this guy patched me up after taking a bullet to the brain, he can definitely cure my addiction! But alas, no such luck. The screen did fade to black the first time, but then nothing. The second time, immediately after the first, the screen did NOT fade to black. And this poor Ant Nectar junkie was still addicted. BUT THE JERK TOOK MY CAPS ANYWAY!!
I've tried the caravan doctor in Novac. I've tried the good looking chick at the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I've tried taking Ant Nectar again (thank you Boomers for having an ant problem!) and going back to the doctor while I wasn't suffering from withdrawal, but nothing has worked.
Please Bethesda Softworks (a Zenimax Media Company) cure me of my Ant Nectar woes!!
P.S. On a serious note, this is a horrible symptom of a glitch and bug filled game. This is unacceptable. Losing -2 Strength is not just a little "oops". It's a huge "CRAP!" Please try to address this in one of your patches. Thank you.