Companion system nullifies any difficulty setting. This GREATLY upsets me.
Game immersion is weak: Everyone talking like Arnold while the kids have an American accent? WTHell??????? Anybody notice this?
Book reading and NPC's have lost their flavor: Actually, IMHO, reading books and overhearing NPC's at the right time, should have been the only ways to get to quests
Fast travel should have been EXTREMELY limited also
I feel ripped off, in one sense, as a paying customer. Bethesda dropped the ball and should have chosen customers who actually played past TES titles on varying difficulty levels to alpha & beta this title...they didn't and it shows: The complaining on this forum
Sweet Stefnuts...I am swooorn to complain about the game breaking companion system as long as Bethesda doesn't fix it
Moonsugar my coffee......Skoom up my nostrils