What do you mean by "sum of stats"?
According to the docs, it's the square of the actor's level plus the sum of the combat skills (blade, blunt, conjuration, destruction, hand-to-hand, illusion, marksman, mysticism). The same formula is used in http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22392 to determine whether the actor intimidates other actors into running away, so its presence in Actor Details is probably help with developing/troubleshooting that mod.
Does Refscope provide any info on scripts on an actor? I can't recall seeing that option.
If the NPC or Creature record itself has a script defined, its ID and mod name will appear in the main reference info window. Look at the NPCs Abhuki, AlixLencolia, and Sjirra in the FaregylInterior cell for an example. However, if scripts on
other objects (or quests, or whatever) are executing commands that affect an actor, there's no way to find out about those from looking at the actor.
One of my favourite things about Refscope, oddly, is the way it highlights the item you are "scanning". When I was trying to sort out some misaligned cave wall/floor/ceiling meshes it was very handy to be able to move back and forth between the two and see where the seams were and where the overlaps were occurring.
That highlighing is actually the very first thing I implemented. I made a little plugin that would highlight whatever you looked at just for fun, and then decided to make it do something useful too. That's how RefScope got started. (It was originally known by a different name, "What's That From?")