Except it's only Windhelm that really possess the racism. Even then, only at Dunmer and Argonians. Riften, a Stormcloak supporter, has a large Dunmer/Argonian population. Windhelm has a rather large Imperial and Altmer population.
No, Niranye is just 1 of 4 Altmer living in Windhelm. They respect the Altmer alchemist, and there is an Altmer couple who run the stables. To our knowledge, they aren't mistreated either.
Riften works like Markarth though, where you exactly have a powerful family (Black-Briar / Silver-Bloods) on the other side that controls everything. Which kinda makes them lazy mirror images of each other.
I've never heard Arivanya, Alfarinn, Nurelion make any comments about how comfortable they're living; only Niranye because she'll tell you when you ask her.
"Let it stand in honor of those who had the strength and spirit to accept Skyrim's Offer "untithed to any thane or Hold, and self-governed, with free worship, with no compensation to Skyrim or the Empire except as writ in the Armistice of old wheresoever those might still apply, and henceforth let no Man or Mer say that the Nord Sons and Daughters of Kyne are without mercy or honor." - The Decree of Monument
You seem very determined to paint the Nords as villains.
Only here to suggest your painting of the stormcloak rebellion as selfless , cultural self preservation is just as absurd.

Because there exist stormcloaks who clearly believe otherwise.
So we could accuse each other of over generalizing a race all day. But the possibility still exists even when there are plenty of sympathetic nord characters about.
Certainly, not all germans were nazi's during wwII, and plenty went out of their way to help people-
But the nazi party still came into power anyway.
So it may be more proper to name my beef with stormcloaks.