Small update for the curious about our modules;
The module Guards of Cyrodiil is getting really close to release state. It started out small, but since i can turn into quite the megalomaniac will host quite alot of detailed quests. The module is being beta-tested right now. Alas the module will not be fully voice-acted, but some of it will features more than 800 unique lines - so that either meant shoving the release date to 2011

orrr release with key-elements voice-acted.
The whole scope of the module is also why i've decided to split the module in two parts will eventually take you to a new worldspace (trying to blend it in with the existing lore) but this is a large project itself ..and will create alot of new content. More fun i hope. But this part will be severed from the main body and will be "episode 2" if you will

There's a detailed camp for Swampmoth legionnaires who have been ordered to return to Cyrodiil by the Elder Council, it will feature a new base for the Imperial Nightblades (a cross-breed :) of magic/stealth characters who need a little more oomphf to get the job done.. -special missions) ..the player can join them and access the base and complete missions in a beth's tradition of vanilla - associate -> full member...Several camps around Cyrodiil items.. new dungeons characters of course ..some side-quests which can be repeated for some useful "tools" as a reward ..
Onra has recovered his pc so he's back on track with Fort Akatosh. The Fort also has an option to create the Fort itself inside an interior cell which means wayyy better framerate for the mid-end pc's people own. The module has tons of unique places to explore.. a few quests. Three factions which will be updated with more content -> Trading Co. - Imperial Legion - Imperial Cult.
The resource pack has been optimized - it will now be delivered as .bsa packages -> which means your directory won't be as cluttered with all kinds of data files ..the chance of something gone missing is also next to zero.
Anyhow ..quite the long list!!!
Alright. Thanks for reading and have fun