Hey guys,
I'm currently trying to make the best possible gear, so I searched for a few guides how to achieve that, but they are all heavily outdated.
Can someone please tell me what is the cap of Fortify enchanting potions and Fortify alchemy gear? I'm currently at 38% FE potions and 33% FA gear and it seems to not go higher. Also, if you know, could you tell me the cap on Fortify smithing potions? I didn't make one yet, but I'm going to do it as soon as I will be sure I reached cap at FE potions.
I switch between Seeker of Sorcery / Shadows from black book, but I don't have a Necromage park in restoration - I heard it boosts potions even further, is it true? Should I tell my Serana to turn me into vampire co I can get even stronger pots and alchemy gear?
Thanks for any help.