I have the money, and I am working towards buying this "gaming PC" (why are we using quotation marks on that?) but only because I'm careful with my money. I know that everytime something popped up that I wanted to have I could go out and get it, but then it would be that much longer until I have my "gaming PC". I COULD go out and drop whatever amount of money that would be neccesary to get myself a nice mouse to play minecraft with, but I would rather spend 3 dollars on FortressCraft and tuck the remainder of my money away so that eventually I can get a "gaming PC" to play minecraft on and, of course, other games, because if I JUST wanted to play MineCraft then I would have bought that cheap mouse long ago.
But I guess I just better quit posting. Seeing as how you said "/thread" and all.
I'm saying "gaming PC" cause I don't know A) when you would be buying it, which determines B) what the specs will be (and what will be required to play games) and C) how much it'll cost (or how much you'd be willing to spend on it). Right now, you could drop $1200 into a PC (minus monitor, keyboard, mouse (not a $10 one), speakers, etc.) and have a very capable machine. Not sure how long it'll last you, but you'll be able to get your Minecraft, CoD, WoW, or any other acronymic game on.
I'm not the most frugal with my money, but I bought Magicka because, after reading a couple reviews and doing some research, I figured it was worth the $10. $10 really isn't all the much (well, $25 if you include Minecraft). Sell a couple used games or something.
I don't play Minecraft but I can see why Minecraft players would get a little "meh" about Fortresscraft.
Anyways, to get waaaay back on topic and what the original post is about: No, I'm not excited about Fortresscraft and this is the first I'm hearing about it. Also, you said, "...I've never gotten a chance to play minecraft even though I wanted to despite my feelings about Notch." What are your feelings about Notch?