
Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:56 pm

Why would Cyrodil have 50 plus forts and nearly all of them are abandoned? same with mines. and why do all the caves have doors? and who the hell is putting all those treasure chests with 4 gold and a spork in them? Ergh....also in that quest in SI dealing with the Fail Ghosts, why would Bethy then repopulate Vitharn with baddys? that place wouldve been great for a stronghold...-_-
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:45 pm

They're probably abandoned because they haven't been used for a very long time. Those are old forts from the First and Second eras, when the power of the Imperials was still expanding. Cyrodill is a stable and secure province now so there's no need for manned forts. Most of the Legion forts are in provinces like Morrowind, Black Marsh, Valenwood...etc.... regions where there's a lot of instability.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:59 am

Ergh....also in that quest in SI dealing with the Fail Ghosts, why would Bethy then repopulate Vitharn with baddys? that place wouldve been great for a stronghold...-_-

From UESP:

Long ago, Fanatics invaded Vitharn and his soldiers failed to hold the gate. The city was overrun and its people slaughtered. As punishment for their incompetence, Sheogorath cursed the ghosts of the fallen to exist in a cycle of torment, re-living the mistakes they made during the invasion so long ago.

I guess Sheogorath enjoys punishing his subjects for mistakes.
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dean Cutler
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:02 pm

Here's a recent thread on a similar topic you might find interesting:
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He got the
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:32 pm

When I first played Morrowind the only places I would visit were Imperial Legion Forts and Imperial charter towns. They weren't stuck up like the annoying Dunmer citizens and Hlauu guards.

"...Ugh, Outlander..."
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Britney Lopez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:13 pm

........and why do all the caves have doors?

Whilst playing, I always imagine some Ogre or something hanging those doors, screws hanging out of his mouth, farting and swearing like a proper hairy arsed workman!!!!
I do chuckle to myself.
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David Chambers
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:19 pm

The Forts were abandoned because they are no longer needed. For example, long ago the empire was not as dominate as it is in the current game time. Also there were invasions from others like Akavir. Finally, I think at the current TES IV timeframe, defenses are based around walled cities. I'm guessing the forts were built before walled cities.

Doors are common on mines and caves in the real world. To prevent people from wandering into dangerous places.

I'm guessing the chests are filled by Goblins or Bandits. Or in the case of Aylieds or undead, by magic. I guess that is a kind of weak answer.

I do wonder why there are no working mines in Cyrodiil. Or why there are so many locked containers and so few keys.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:51 pm :)
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