So I took several pics, but can really see it, since every time I look at the pics (which I can't even find a way to zoom in on) I just see the burnt image that on my screen regularly. Not even sure burnt images would show up on an in game pic, since its on the screen and the pic is just data, although I'm not sure. Whatever it is I'm not making it up. I have no reason to and would appreciate it if the mods didnt close this. I would not send out emails to the admins if I were making this up.
You may See the faint outline, may not. I know I do and its most visible in the murky waters with nothing in the background (like rocks in the water and such) to obtrude the burnt in image. I swear I'm not making this up. I wouldn't have went through the trouble to lie about this. Zoom in on the pics and hopefully you can see them. Although its definitely not as bad as it was last night (maybe why it isn't showing up so good in the pics).
Edit: I'm off to take more pics since those weren't very good at all.