Without actually specifically setting out to do so, I've just spent the best part of half an hour opening every thread in this forum (well, every thread for the first six or so pages), in order to frantically scroll through them all with the intention of finding posts made by Bethesda's staff. BioWare's forums tell you which threads staff members have posted in (although I haven't been in the BioWare forums since the hype machine was building before the relatively disappointing Mass Effect 1), and I think that this would be a great feature for the forums, as we would quickly be able to see which threads the staff have posted in.
I don't even care that they're not telling us anything about the game at this point. I'm perfectly happy to read their torturous, off-topic posts as they try to wind us up by telling us a load of nonsense that has nothing to do with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Heck, I'd stare bewitched at the screen for hours on end if all they were posting was their shopping lists.
Who's with me? Do you want to be able to at-a-glance see which threads Bethesda's staff have been posting in, even if you know that they're just posting random guff in order to confuse and/or annoy us?