Jeez. As if it wasn't bad enough. Now the edit watermark has a giant black box highlighting it. That's just annoying.
Agreed, it is really annoying. D:<
I like the forums the best. Functional and sleek. Best organizing of subforums, unlike BGSF's unwieldy huge front page.
I don't know why Bethesda has to add on all sorts of extraneous crap (the stalker bar), constantly replace text descriptions with images (my inbox is now a little envelope. Took me a few minutes to find it. :angry: ). And still there is the constant transparency befind posts and forum threads, etc. The point is to be able to read people's posts. Like any good video game interface, this should be stylish, but primarily functional. Gstaff, fire whomever thought up the new look for the forums - they've totally ripped you guys off. Gradient shading is soooo '90s.
EDIT: There's been a font change, has there? If so, I like the old font better. If not - then why does it look different???
EDIT: why does some text have a dropdown shadow effect? E.g. the "2 users are reading this topic" text, and the stuff I enter for the "my hobbies" section of my profile.