I just found out how to clean up dragon corpses, so for everyone who has killed a ton of dragons and doesn't want to wait for the patch or for some reason won't be getting the patch'
Open your command line with ~
Click on the dragon
(MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE DRAGON, ITS POSSIBLE THAT CLICKING ON SOMETHING ELSE AND MARKING IT FOR DELETION WILL REMOVE IT. If you want to get it back then search up it's ID code and the corresponding console command to add it back to the world. After marking the dragon for deletion click off of it and then on it again and it should have a "[D]" next to it's I.D. code)
type "MarkForDelete" (without the quotes) and then press enter
Press F5 to quicksave
Press F9 to quickload
Behold, the dragon skeleton is GONE!
(If this fix didn't work for you make sure you entered the command correctly, it worked for me but I will not assume this will work for every PC player, I sure hope it does though!)
Much love everyone, happy gaming.
Here is an Edit from myself with one more solution that I found on some forums while surfing the web, be careful with this second solution, you can make parts of the environment dissapear but in some ways is better than the method above.
open the console
Click the dragon skeleton or corpse or piece of environment, good for cleaning messes, and type disable into the console
press enter
it should dissapear
if you click something wrong then before clicking anything else the i.d. should still be selected, just type enable and it will bring it back after closing the console.
hope this helps