The game is done, period. Talking about it is just beating of a dead horse. You can hit it as hard as you want, but it won't bring it back to life. This theread is just spam and contributes nothing to the community.
Well if the game is dead then why do you still post in the skyrim forums. Hell why do you even play the game.
Talking specifically about new content for Skyrim, not the game being dead that no one plays it. That would be the same as me asking for a poison spell in Oblivion but the game is done and people still play and post around it :/
Thrown Weapons, We had them in Morrowind.
A Message about breaking the threads of prophecy instead of an essential tag on half of the NPC's in the Game.
To all those who says Skyrim is 'dead' and 'done'. Bethesda did say they will continue patching the game 'If they truly need to'. For all we know, they are planning to make one more final patch for Skyrim to truly finish it off...
But at the same time, they could be fully completed and have no plans whatsoever.
As for OP's topic, they are nice ideas but not something I expect Bethesda doing.
True but like I say, not something I see happening. Although, I do see Bethesda eventually adding in Spears via a patch just because that's kinda something they've been working on since the very first week. (Anybody remember that GameJam video?)
Yea the gamejam video had lot's of stuff and now that we have Solstheim, spears make more sense. You never know though
They released content for Oblivion after "Oblivion GOTY Edition" came out... So why can't the same thing happened with Skyrim? Hm?
Fighter's Stronghold.
The final patch for Oblivion was released in April 2007 and I believe the GOTY Edition came out around 2007 Summer. The Fighter's Stronghold DLC/addon came out in Oct 2007, much later...
And actually, Skyrim's final patch came out in March 2013 (Basicly one month behind from being 5 years after Oblivion's final patch) and Skyrim Legendary Edition (GOTY Edition) came out over the summer... So if they do plan on any final things for Skyrim (And that history repeats itself), we might get one final thing for Skyrim sometime in Fall. But I wont personally count on it...
Yeah I doubt they will, ps3 would probably explode lol. I play ps3 btw
If the lag and freezing was as bad as everyone said it was, it would explode. (Its not really that bad tho)
Um. I have no idea what you are talking about... So I'm just gonna say I wouldn't be surprise if Bethesda does end up releasing one final small DLC this fall for Skyrim which will prolly add Spears and few other GameJam stuff that people been asking for since the GameJam video release.
They already said they wouldn't, just patches. Patches that only include bug fixes if I remember correctly.
It's a marketing trick, and trust me. It does work...
Tbh, something like spears only requires one guy to do... Actually, a lot of things from GameJam (That aren't already added) truly only requires one guy to do... As for causing glitches, Spears maybe... But highly doubt it. From the looks of it in the video, they already have them within the engine. It's more of a matter of putting them in-game and usable correctly.
I wouldn't say that until at least the big ball drop and 2013 is all done and over with... Though it would safe to say they are done near the end of Fall 2013 though... But at least wait for that ball to drop.
Soooooooo, Uncle Pete saying there won't be any more content or patches, then Gstaff confirming there won't be anything else and the team saying they are finished with Skyrim and moving on to a new project means that they are going to release more DLC? Na?ve much?
Points 1 and 2 are quite baffling as to why they didn't do those to begin with. The children in Skyrim look terrible because they're all almost exact clones, and it seems like an obvious desire that people would wanna be able to marry their own race.
These would be a nice addition, I know a few of those have been requested for a long time.
I certainly wouldn't Argue against someone who thinks they'd be a nice Skyrim update...
It wouldn't be the first time Bethesda lied to us for the sake of surprise.
It's unlikely, but not Impossible. You don't need to insult people for having some small hope that you don't happen to share with them.