Even if it means coming out of retirement.
Because the lack of these things makes little sense.
1. Add children of other races. The fact that there are no Elven, Khajit, or Argonian children, and that Imperial, Nord, and Redguard children all have the same face(not to mention the fact that Braith, the Redguard child, doesn't look like a Redguard) is plain silly. Especially in Hearthfire if you're playing non-human and want a non-human child.
Fallout 3 and NV had children of every ethnicity. But for some reason, all of Skyrim's children are like the twins in The Shining.
2. Add in Khajit, Wood Elf spouses. It seems odd how they are missing from the list. There's more than a few of each of them who could arguably be weddable.
I get that marriage is a new concept to Bethesda's games, but they should at least have an male and female option of every playable race. And there are only two Redguards you can marry in the game and both are women, no men.
3. The ability to marry already-married characters if their spouse dies. If you can kill them yourself without being caught, or if they're killed in a dragon or vampire attack, I see no reason why the surviving spouse shouldn't be able to move on after a given period of time. And ones who have children, the children could be auto-adopted.
Considering there's the option to adopt children if you kill both their parents, it seems like this should be there too.(Sigrid or Adrianne would make epic spouses)
4. The ability to give NPCs gifts like clothing, armor, and weapons. And have them wear what you give them. In Oblivion and Fallout you could reverse-pickpocket stuff onto people and they would equip it, so I don't see why Skyrim lacked that feature.
It'd also be nice for characters like Illia, Rayya, and Senna, who never take their damn hoods off.