FOV = Cheating?

Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:45 pm

FOV =/= cheating
It's like saying that stereoscopic 3D is cheating because you can throw grenades better.
Yes, you see more, but on the other hand, it may be harder to aim and your brain might..... dislike your preferences.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:58 am

My 2 cents. Yes, I consider it a form of "cheating". Why? It's not an in-game option, so it was not intended to be altered by the end user. No matter how easy it is to do.

In a FPS game, one of the biggest advantages anyone has is "battlefield awareness", and FOV is a huge part of that. If I edit my game to set my FOV at 90+ and most other players are at default, I have a distinct advantage over them. Pure and simple. The only way to compensate for it would be if everyone had it set to the same value.

You can't compare it something like Nanovision since that's a game feature and everyone has it.

These types of edits are far to common in online gaming. I know many people to edit their games in order to increase visibility to give them an advantage over other players. From increasing FOV like whats being discussed here, texture modding, advanced engine settings like you can do with Unreal Engine powered games. In most all cases the effect is the same, you can see more of the battlefield than other players, and in most all cases it's considered cheating by the game developer/publisher or server operators.

The most I will do to gain a competitive advantage in an online video game is adjust my graphic settings to remove as much clutter and distraction from the environment as possible. Many competitive gamers do this, but they do it within the games available settings, they do not edit the game files in any way. Where as many people always try and play the game at it's maximum graphic settings. The guy running at lower settings but high resolutions often has a tactical advantage since he has a much better chance of seeing you before you see him.

Well said and I agree.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:38 pm

Well Mr 35 years old. Act like it them. don't flame someone. And I'm telling you straight up its not a cheat. Why its a video option. its in battlefield bad company 2 cod and its in crysis. it is NOT A CHEAT get over it. One more time its a video setting. Its been used for years. i use it and you should too. they cant determine what size monitor you have so you adjust it to your liking. a cheat is wall hacks aim bots and BOOMIJUSTSHOTYOU is a cheat. since your 35 you should know this. I cant stand when someone thinks they know it all. and flames someone. go get anger management. Its not changing a file. a change in file is taking it out and replacing it with something that gives you a advantage. you change a number that is allowed. it gives really no advantage. And here this is a good example. your playing field is all around you and this adjust the view from side to side not to alow you to see behind you . i have a I-Inc 25 in monitor and you bet I'm gonna take full advantage of my monitors capabilities. why don't you accept the facts jack!! cause you got owned.

To say it gives no advantage is very contradictory because if it offers no advantage why are you changing it?

The visual rules of the game are set by the IN GAME menu. ANYTHING outside of the in game menu is cheating. You can justify it as much as you want and what other games allow is of no significance because it is still an edit outside of the the game's menu/options. Hackers are literally doing the same in that they are changing aspects of the game that is outside of the game options.
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clelia vega
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:34 am

Quite simply, people using default FOV have an advantage over those who set it higher. Opponents will look closer and bigger, making an easier target. If you were going to 'cheat' you would lower the setting, not raise it.
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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:54 pm

FOV 74 for quake3 was too small for me. I remember playing with 120 fov in cpma/pro-mode :)
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:08 pm

Quite simply, people using default FOV have an advantage over those who set it higher. Opponents will look closer and bigger, making an easier target. If you were going to 'cheat' you would lower the setting, not raise it.
Yes because seeing less is advantageous. Might as well play the game in sniper mode.
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Anne marie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:03 pm

I use eyefinity at 6120x1080 like others have said sometimes it can be a disadvantage since your brain is trying to process to much. But I do enjoy it and I do appreciate games that support it. Sure you can see more then people but its suppose to give you a sense that somebody is coming from your left or right. Fov on a single monitor I never really liked to change but I can understand people who do it. I dont think seeing more then other people is a "cheat" but seeing threw walls is.

People who think it is prob think higher DPI mouses are too OMG your mouse moves faster then mine CHEATER. You dont want higher FOV then move around more problem solved.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:08 am

Interesting. Might try it out as well. But what FOV should i use with a resolution of 1680x1050? I tried some calculator i found on google, but it says I should use a FOV of 64.....I get the feeling, that I'm unable to use the calculator in the right way...does someone has a suggestion about my FOV?
(And plz, don't write now "My suggestion: Don't use increased FOV, it's cheating" or something. If I wouldn't want to try it out, I wouldn't be posting this right now.)
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:53 am

Interesting. Might try it out as well. But what FOV should i use with a resolution of 1680x1050? I tried some calculator i found on google, but it says I should use a FOV of 64.....I get the feeling, that I'm unable to use the calculator in the right way...does someone has a suggestion about my FOV?
(And plz, don't write now "My suggestion: Don't use increased FOV, it's cheating" or something. If I wouldn't want to try it out, I wouldn't be posting this right now.)

I think its all about personal preference. Try to adjust slowly and see what you like. I would try 75 at a 22 inch monitor. The higher the fov on a single monitor it will zoom stuff out and actually make it harder to see people at a distance.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:06 am

If its not against the terms of use of the game, which its not, then its not constituted as a "cheat". Also if you feel that its giving another player an unfair advantage over you, then just do the same. /end thread
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 am

FOV isn't a cheat. I'm not going to call anybody who thinks it is a name or w/e, but this topic shouldn't have generated more than 1 page in replies.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:51 am

I play with view and weapon fovs at 60, that was the default in crysis 1 and feels perfect to me.
Too bad drawnearfov doesn't work in mp.

55 is way too low, especially with the blurry AA crytek used(and can't be turned off in mp XD).
Crysis 2 demo almost made me throw up after the first few matches.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:20 am

The people using eyefinity is hacking to the max then right? cause boy there field of view is mad crazy. Hmmmm but yet its advertised by gaming companies for amd. See more do more. then using more then one monitor is hacking then cause they have a hell of a lot more fov then anyone!!
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:53 am

I might mess with the FOV again after have it at 65 for a while. (the game use vertical if you knew.) 55 does hurt your..... awareness but the aim help it gives is quite big. So i would be careful how high you bost is because in then demo I boosted it to like 90 and damn I lose every single 1v1 I did but at normal 55 even though I could not see everything. I WOULD WIN every 1v1. So really you need to strike a balence between aim loss and visual gain.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:37 am

I tried that 90 fov and 75 it just ended up giving me a major headache lol so i left it at default.
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Horse gal smithe
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:42 am

I tried that 90 fov and 75 it just ended up giving me a major headache lol so i left it at default.

LOL yeah some don't like it. but remember wider is not always better. you will lose aiming ability the higher you go.
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loste juliana
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:16 am

In the good Crysis, the cvar cl_fov must equal 60

just sayin
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Carlitos Avila
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:48 am

I tried that 90 fov and 75 it just ended up giving me a major headache lol so i left it at default.

LOL yeah some don't like it. but remember wider is not always better. you will lose aiming ability the higher you go.

Ya i noticed that it got really hard to aim lol. i tried the pov calculator thing said to set it to 59 so i just left it at 55.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:27 am

so maybe a bind "c" cl_fov 95, bind "v" cl_fov 55
would work overall m8
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:22 am

Wow.. lol @ the guy that got sooooo upset because someone called him a "KID" .. haha.

First.. "simply changing a file" is NOT a cheat, changing things in a .cfg file is not cheating, anyone who thinks that is a moron, plain and simple.

Cheating/Hacking is altering your .exe/.dll files, not the .cfg files.

Anytime you make some changes to your options in the game, it makes changes to .cfg files.

Changing the FOV is "not cheating" .. mine is @ 55 (default), but I have no issue with anyone that changes theirs. People have different types/sizes of monitors, some people "need" to change their FOV to have the same advantages others might already have.

I've got three computers, 2 have 22" widescreen HD LCD monitors, one has a older 17" LCD monitor (square, not widescreen), the difference in the game view between the 17" LCD and 22" LCD widescreen is HUGE and I have a better view with my 22" .. so if you think FOV is cheating, you are an idiot.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:41 am

I played with the Field of View in Singleplayer mode, when you set it really high it gets REALLY trippy, sometimes to the point of seeing into infinity! I'd love to try a multiplayer match with something like 150-170 degrees and see if I can get anything with it!

I'm on the fence about altering FOV, my opinion would be to be fair, I would only set it up to the maximum range the real human eye can view, so at least then I can say "The average human can see xx degrees, my player character can too!". It should squell most of the more reasonable anti-FOV players.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:53 pm

well just like any other PC game it no longer makes it fair. now whether or not it's cheating is up for debate. In order for a match to be truly fair (in terms of what you see on screen) everyones settings must be the same. the person with a 1920x1080 display with have the advantage over a person with a 1280x768 display no matter what the person with the 768 does. its just the fact of video games.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:46 am

Yeah, that's why I love to raise it, I can see more. I think I like it at 95 best, 120 is impossible to play on, to funky.
Especially on a full HD 27 inch monitor, FOV makes the difference.

are you changing it manually btw?
or with the Crysis 2 Advanced Graphics Options Application

just curious

I changed it manually and wow, this thread took off while I was gone.

I actually play this game at the absolute lowest settings to, less clutter and distractions like the other guy said. Although I wish my PC could handle MP at higher graphics settings, the ugliness gets old.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:50 am

well just like any other PC game it no longer makes it fair. now whether or not it's cheating is up for debate. In order for a match to be truly fair (in terms of what you see on screen) everyones settings must be the same. the person with a 1920x1080 display with have the advantage over a person with a 1280x768 display no matter what the person with the 768 does. its just the fact of video games.

That's for sure.
If changing the field of view is cheating, then going from the new standard of 1920x1080 to 2560x2048 or 2560x1600 would be considered cheating too.
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sexy zara
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:34 pm

Like i said earlier in another post people with eyefinity and 6 monitors must be cheating too. they have a wicked FOV.
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