By this I mean the key to live lock system, living in a home with three other brothers we tend to have to share everything as money is always tight, when it came down to Deadrising 2 the PC key on our steam account locked it to the first person that loged into the game that being my brother.
This ended up forcing us to buy a copy for the xbox so that the rest of us could work on our own achievements and the storyline in our own time.
This is a feature that Games for Live has said it will want to include in all of the new games to help prevent copys of the game being used or resold. While I agree with it's use to stop those who want to make money off copys or reselling there copys so that the companys can not make anything off the product after the fact. It has the same effect as all anti-pirate stuff by shooting you in the leg when it comes down to practical use of a product in a home with more then one person living in it.
If anyone knows please leave a reply.
TLTR: Games for Live locking cd keys to one live account, is FoV going to have the same live update or is it being built off the older software.