Hiya, will these be included in the options menu this time round?
Hiya, will these be included in the options menu this time round?
Please for the love of all that is holy DO NOT mess with my mouse DPI in-game. Nothing is more annoying in a game than when my DPI is different in-game and set to a certain value that im not used to, then attempting to find the closest thing to my DPI presets on a slider bar. Please Please Please DO NOT do that. To those who whish to have a "mouse acceleration toggle" just edit your DPI (Dots Per Inch) (A.K.A. Mouse speed) in your settings or buy a mouse that allows for precise editing of DPI. I own a M.M.O.7. mouse which has a "sniper button" which you can pre-program to lower your DPI to whatever setting you want. Or.. you can just make your own hotkey if you don't have the hardware or software to do so.
Since i cant post links, just google "mouse acceleration toggle autohotkey" and you should find a site that will give you instructions.
The devs do not hang around here. Don't expect them to read this thread either.
FOV slider would be great.
That's just for the desktop or games that use windows settings, bethesda games always have mouse acceleration enabled by default
The fix will be simple and similiair to skyrim since it uses the same engine - http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_V:_Skyrim#Mouse_acceleration
I'm just asking for a toggle in the menu's, it would be a nice gesture to pc gamers
It would be nice to have those options in-game, rather than having to mess with the .ini settings. Although I've often found with too large an FOV that I start seeing parts of the first-person model that were never meant to be seen - might be why Bethesda doesn't want to make it adjustable right in the box. Mouse acceleration, though, should totally be a toggle (or just get rid of it? I don't know how many people would miss it, but I guess they exist).
Just giving this a polite bump in case the devs are knocking about.
They haven't given us anything at all in here. Everything we get is media they put out to the public. They aren't answering questions really. You're most likely gonna have to wait till release or review
While those would be nice, if they aren't in the menus, you can adjust them via an ini file.
Devs are NOT going to come here and answer that question and I'm sure bumping you own thread is frowned on.
Gonna have to leave vsync enabled and endure input lag or cap the framerate to 60 with third party software.
FOV fix - http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_4#Field_of_view_.28FOV.29
Mouse Acceleration fix - http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Fallout_4#Mouse_acceleration