Suggestion: FOV sliders
FOV sliders aren't really game changers for me or anyone, but I do wish to be able to scale the FOV to your own liking. It's a trivial thing really, but it would make many people even more happier!
Suggestion: FOV sliders
FOV sliders aren't really game changers for me or anyone, but I do wish to be able to scale the FOV to your own liking. It's a trivial thing really, but it would make many people even more happier!
I actually wish the PC versions of video games developed by Bethesda Game Studios had a Field of View (FoV) slider bar in the options menu instead of using the developer console to add Field of View (FoV) in the console commands.
This is what I want to see in the options menu.
Field of View (FoV) slider bar that goes from xx up to 120.
Press ` and then write "fov XX" without the " symbols, and where XX write the number that you want the FOV to be. Press Enter. In the end close the console again by pressing ` again.
Case solved.
Having a Field of View (FoV) slider bar in the options menu is a much better option to have than typing in the developer console the console command.
Sure. But even having the option to change FOV, even if that means using the console, is better than not having absolutely any way to change it.
Of course that is also true, but I myself hate having to set up graphical settings in a launcher or to type them in the developer console for PC versions of video games. I'm very happy more and more PC versions of video games being released for sale today now let you set the graphical settings in the options menu instead.
Take the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. CD Projekt RED made it so you can set up all of the graphical options in the options menu instead of the launcher like The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings as well as changing in the .ini if you want.
These are the 3 options for graphical settings and everything else all PC versions of video games should have. In the .ini, in the developer console, and in the options menu. The launchers need to stop existing. All the launchers should exist for is enabling and disabling mods for the PC versions of The Elder Scrolls Video games and Fallout video games.
As I remember it, there's also an INI tweak which allows for differing FOV values. While a slider would be more convenient, it certainly isn't required.
Actually they can be. Some people get bad motion sickness from bad FoV
Frankly there is no reason not to allow it aside from simply can't be bothered to put one in
To be fair you have to do that every time you restart the game which get annoying.
but you don't have to do it with an ini tweak.
I'd like more graphics options to be editable in game, if possible.