Does the FPS in game have anything to do with crashing? I have a computer that is below the minimum requirements for the game, yet after some of my own optimization and tweaks, I can get 20-40 FPS in game, regardless of where I'm at or what's happening. Unfortunately, I get crashes (CTDs) very shortly after going in game, ranging from about 5 seconds to minutes of gameplay at a time. (5 seconds, WAY more common) I also crash when entering rooms, though it does rarely let me in them without any issues. Sometimes the game doesn't even start up, though it usually does. I understand if this is simply my computer being under requirements, but if this is the game's fault, I'd like to know if there's anything I can do about it. I also don't notice any difference between the beta update and the previous update.
Processor : Intel® Core i5-5200U CPU A 2.20GHz 2.19GHz
RAM: 8.00 GB
Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 5500
?"Maybe Bethesda should focus on optimization, rather than posing skeletons in bathtubs." - Me?