However, I regret buying it for PC, as there is virtually nothing that sets it apart from a console release. Now I wont use the term "port", because its not. It was developed ON PC, but also developed to run on consoles.
I cant blame Crytek for their decision to cater more to their console audience, since that is where the money is. But the harsh reality has finally hit me that VG devs are bound to abandon the PC scene, for the simple reason that they want the money. We see it here with Crytek, it is somewhat seen with Valve (Gabe's change of heart toward PS3), and I dread what is to come.
There were two games that initally lured me into the PC gaming scene and inspired me to build my own PC: Crysis and Battlefield 2142. Those games were made specifically for PC, surpassing all of the limitations of console. However now that I see Crytek is following the golden carrot, the future is looking bleak. If this trend continues, the only thing that will set my PC apart from a console is a controller and about 1500$.
My last hope is that Battlefield 3 wont succumb to the console scene, as I thought the franchise had done with the release of Battlefield: Bad Company 1.
Phew. /rant
EDIT: Okay, allow me to rephrase "PC Gaming" in general to "PC FPS Gaming"