...Thanks to Wraith and his http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1184480-weekend-update/ i read this http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/6355/a_missive_from_the_end_of_genre_.php?page=1,it's 3 pages,anolyses the campaign in modern FPS genre,very interesting,especially when hearing what the Devs think,also Devs from other companies.
My "problem" with modern FPS who have Multiplayer is with the length of the campaign mostly,and i feel that merging both single and multi will keep them short.
Brink's doing an awesome job in my opinion with it,but still i'd love to have an individual single player campaign,with deeper storyline and bigger in playtime no doubt.
Well it seems that i agree and disagree at the same time,Brink's doing a good job at giving players extra missions in the middle of the fight,you choose to do them or not,it's a plus no doubt though and the whole structure of this blurring has a solid base.
Still,level cap at 20.Much re-play sure,i'll create 10 chars probably but i'll do it cause it's sort.I would probably made 10 chars if the lvl cap was 50 and thats because i like the whole atmosphere/mechanics/architect of the game.
I mean probably my comparison is wrong,this game is a merge,in a way,of Left4Dead with CoD/Battlefield mostly,so it's not easy to make a comparison but i'd like to know how the ones around here feel about this change.
Again,i love the multiplayer aspect of Brink,this blurring is exellent in my opinion,but i feel that it should be more...more lvls,more story,maybe an individual campaign without taking away this blurring?
An individual campaign with more cutscenes and storytelling maybe?I don't know,just thinking out loud i guess.
So if you 're not bored you can read and respond,cheers

Also in page 3 there is a very good explanation by mister Ham about the mechanics (and other stuff..) of missions etc.
(I know there is this http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1183862-singleplayer-or-multiplayer/page__hl__campaign but my question are slightly different.)