I was able to get 80+ fps on Crysis 2 MP (@ 1080p, DX9, lowest setting) all the time with single GTX580 + i5 @ 4+ghz, but Crysis 3 MP (@ 1080p, lowest setting) seem to run much slower than that with single GTX680, i5 @ 4ghz

Maybe cos i ran Crysis 2 MP in DX9 but i was able to record @ 100 fps(without losing fps) on small maps with GTX580.
I'm using the lowest graphics settings for max fps, but my fps still drops to med-high 50s if i record the game during MP.
my graphic settings1: http://i.imgur.com/l3Hhe0C.jpg
my graphic settings2: http://i.imgur.com/AVZAZzx.jpg
(min fps drops to med 40s during recording if v-sync is off)
i record with msi afterburner @ half size, 80fps on to 2nd hard drive so it doesnt slow down the game too much.
just did fraps benchmark(F11) on one of the recordings and got ave fps = 65, max fps = 75, min fps = 56