Come on guys I don't want to play games with stuttering and mouse lag.
Come on guys I don't want to play games with stuttering and mouse lag.
If you use nvidia drivers you can turn it off in the control panel.
I doubt you will be given the option to turn off Vsync for the reasons shown in this video
I don't understand.. Isn't vsync a good thing? If your monitors refresh rate is 120hz then the game won't go above 120fps right?
Vsync is a very bad thing, especially when playing games that require precise aiming on mouse and keyboard, you want to keep your input lag down and your framerate high.
You will need to enable vsync and endure input lag or cap the framerate to 60fps with third part software.
It usually hutrs performance. Let me elaborate though.
Many pc players don't like vsync because it negatively affects general responisvenes of doing everything but mostly aiming.
Before triple buffering vsync makes your game run at 120fps if you have a 120hz monitor but if your framerate drops even to 119 it cuts it in half of your refresh rate(so 60 in this case, and if you can't maintain 60 then it goes to 30).
One final thing is vsync is just kinda performance intense (not too much) but my biggest gripe even with triple buffering is that if you have 60 fps constant and suddenly your fps drops to let's say 55 you feel a big hiccup.
I personally think that if you want to use vsync, use adaptive vsync if you can.
Vsync has little to do with input lag, hardware acceleration is the culprit mostly.
VSync has a lot to do with input lag. Whenever It′s on I notice the lag, even in RTS. And hardware acceleration? I think you meant to say mouse acceleration.
Those new fangled adaptive vsync thingies are even worse. Fluctuating input lag will mess up your aiming even more.
This is incorrect.
I havent seen a game with vsync causing input lag in nearly a decade.
And the mouse is a piece of hardware ya know?
I forgot to add that I play with a controller and don't really mind the worse responsiveness
But with adaptive vsync if you drop below 60 it's not that bad but with normal vsync it is.
You personally not being able to detect it doesn't mean it isn't there.
Oh yeah, playing with a pad, you probably won't notice an extra dollop of lag. I prefer vsync on for console games.
Great for you. I′ve played plenty with that issue. One of the reasons I never used VSync whilst playing CS 1.6 and similar and instead relied upon game options to limit framerate.