I just saw this on http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Followers and I'm looking for confirmation. Is this legit or is this PC players messing around with console commands/mods? I'm on the Xbox, just giving a heads up.
I just saw this on http://uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Followers and I'm looking for confirmation. Is this legit or is this PC players messing around with console commands/mods? I'm on the Xbox, just giving a heads up.
It wouldn't be there if it was mod or console commands related: http://uesp.net/wiki/Dragonborn:Followers
But why would you want to? I'm never giving up my followers to Delphine again!
I was looking for first hand confirmation. That's the very same link in my OP. It's not that I don't trust UESP, but anyone can create an account, make a claim, and edit a page.
Please don't turn this into an anti Blades/Delphine thread. I'm asking a simple question.
Well, just take them to Delphine and you'll know then. And you'll be able to confirm or correct what is written on the uesp page.
Considering I'd have to download DB again, I'd rather wait for someone to answer. Thanks.
I know, just taking precautions. Doesn't take much for mob mentality to kick in.
I've generally found UESP to be reliable, moreso than the http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/The_Elder_Scrolls_Wiki, especially since some time has passed since DB's release (mistakes generally get edited out quickly). I don't have DB myself, so I can't give you firsthand confirmation, though.