Anyways, FINALLY, someone points out that recently, there's been a few *reasonably priced*, brand-spank'n new copies of Descent I & II: The Definitive Collection on So naturally I tear through the internet as fast as my 26.4kbps connection could allow me, to see this for myself, hoping I could grab a couple sets.....And then my kind of luck kicks in again...Being Canadian, it turns out I can't purchase various types of items from What makes it a double-kicker even, I can buy CDs through, but not videogames on CDs! *starts ripping hair out of his scalp* And yes, I'm well aware there is an version of the service, BUT, again, just my luck..the meager TWO Descent-related items made available are definitely not what I'm looking for. 8-|
...SO, my questions for anyone who can answer is; (1) Could someone please explain to me why Amazon refuses to allow what is perfectly and completely possible to do on eBay?(which for the record, I have been using for a few years now, and have NOT ONCE ever seen a single new copy of Descent 1 & 2: The Definitive Collection up for sale)...And (2), is there anyone here who happens to live in Arizona, who could slap a friend of mine for me?..For trying to convince me that Amazon was far better than eBay..heh.
{P.S. - I have 2 solid reasons why I never buy used items, online or otherwise..So there's no point in going there, and I won't bore yall any further with the details.}