So I just got back from this party, and there was one guy there that was offering out 20 bucks if attempted to 'summon a demon' I said to myself you know "hey I shouldnt be messing around with this type of stuff, so ill go in there (an isolated room with lights turned off), wait 10 minutes, and come back out again." Well I went up to him he gave me this sheet of paper and told me to read it over and do what it said and it told me to picture some wierd symbol in my head and chant out "belial" a bunch of times" well I 'read' through it, and went in there, and came back out 10 minutes later. I NEVER did any of the stuff on the sheet, I just sat there for 10 minutes, and during the last minute I started to feel uneasy. Now it's like ever since then I've just been super paranoid and feel like somethings watching me even though I never did any part of that ritual thing.
I have to agree with others, you're likely doing this to yourself through suggestion. Like for instance, right now, I would say its absurd that i might be unable to swallow..except i "know" its a symtpom of my panic attacks. So despite this knowledge of it being wholly false, it will inevitably happen again, and will inevitably lead to lightheadedness, thus confirming my original assumptions. And bam! Panic attack where i cant swallow. it can get to the piont where im afraid, terrified literally, of my heart just stopping. Im 24 years old and in...decent shape. Its not a real, sane fear. But knowing this now wont makei t any lesss horrible the next time it happens.
Your mind is a powerful thing, and can trick you into thinking a lot and exaggerating. If you expect something, or even suspect something could happen, every thought (even those apparently contradicting the fear) only serve to add to it. Id just take some tylenol PM and try to get to sleep if i were you. Nothing like a hard reboot to clean out the synapses.