Hey folks,
In FO3 there was a mod that enabled you to play after the end... Is there a mod for NV as well or do the DLCs add the possibilty? I've just got NV with all 3 DLCs and loaded some nice mods and wanna start playing now. However, I want to keep playing after the end, as I read that you can easily beat the main quest in 3 or 4 hours... But I want to freely explore the wasteland after I've finished the main quest and chose the factions I want to be allied with.
Please tell me that it's possible somehow...
A large part of the reason for them extending play in
Broken Steel was that FO3's original ending
svckED. It completely ignored the presence of at least one, if not both,
radiation-immune companion(s) who could have gone in instead of you and essentially railroaded you into either sacrificing yourself or being a jerkass and making Sarah Lyons do it.
F:NV does not have this problem, and as such does not need a 'fix' DLC to correct it. Furthermore, even if you
were allowed to play post-MQ,
there would be nothing to do because all the quests would be locked out, as they deal with the preparations leading up to Second Hoover Dam and it would make absolutely no sense if they were still available. There's also the issue of potentially invalidating the ending you created through your choices and actions, since there would be nothing stopping you from, say, obliterating Goodsprings after originally saving it and turning it into a tourist trap. I, for one, would be
thoroughly disgusted if all my work was rendered null through something like that.
As for blowing through the main quest in, like, 3-4 hours, that's only if you ignore everything
but the main quest, which, IMO, is missing the point. If you actually work with one of the factions and do the tasks they need of you, it can easily take 10x that long or more and you'll learn quite a bit about the area and the people in it in the process. Of course, if you
want to just blast through the main quest, then by all means do so; with that character finished you can then make another who takes things more slowly.
If you're on a PC then it
is possible to play post-MQ if you have one of the mods that enable it installed, however I understand that they're not all that good so you might want to avoid them. As for a DLC that does this, you're out of luck, as they have categorically stated that this
will not happen under
any circumstances.