Played FO3 and am now gonna play FNV to pass time till Sykrim. I read on the wiki that you can get some stimpacks from Doc Mitchell through a medicine speech check, but I can't seem to trigger it. I'm on the 360 with the latest patch. The wiki says that you need to talk to him to before you leave his house but when I do there are only the heal, buy and info based options. What am I missing?
I attempt to talk to him after he gives me my stuff. My medicine skill is 30(4 intelligence, and tagged). Does it need to be higher or something?
The wiki is incorrect on this one, at least to my knowledge.
The [Medicine 30] check only occurs, as best I can tell, if you have already started
Ghost Town Gunfight and are attempting to obtain assistance from the named townspeople. He gives you the stims anyway, passing the check adds two Doctor's Bags.