Yes it broke the immersion to be invisible. Yes, it made the game easy. Yup I could waltz into oblivion, yes I could make guards cry for the mommys, yes I could paralyse people mid conversation and get away with it... and it was HILARIOUS. Watching someone talk about mudcrabs whilst slowly falling backwards was just FUNNY!
And, I consider myself a realistic gamer, on my serious play throughs. I play through with eat sleep and drink mods. Knowing that I COULD complete 7 quests, join the mages guild, aquire 5 grand soul gems, slay 5 legendery beasts, then spend thousands of pounds to become tottaly invisble NEVER EVER bothered me. The fact I could scour this ruin for this artifact, complete this quest for this amulet, devilishly steal this item and travel half across the provinence into another random ruin and take another artifact to become 100% damage resistant, DID NOT BOTHER ME.
And you say, it breaks immerssion to know there is a Win button. Jesus, how complicated are your buttons??
An argument I agree with is that is breaks immerssion because your character should be using ever resauce to survive in a dangerous world. I agree and for a short while this bugged me. However... on a roleplay level, how does your character KNOW that he can complete these steps? The only way this could happen to an everyday character not trying do it is if he accidently stumbles upon 5 grand soul gems, randomly finds 5 legendery beasts, and over the course of this long, long process, never gets the urge to use one on something else.
Ok, lets say you don't like roleplaying, and as a gamer, you belive you should be tested to breaking point strain and should not be expected to NOT use cheats when they are presented, despite their purpose is there not a valid tactic but as comic relief. You belive the lore and realisem of a game should never be punctured in the slightest in the name of enjoyment.
I suppose you post this complaint on almost EVERY SINGLE GAMES forums, too?
Morrowind GOTY edition on xbox came with 3 cheat codes. Saints row two, cheat codes, crysis, console commands, oblivion console commands fallout CC NV, CC. On xbox original, there were sections in my favorite magazines dedicated to cheat codes, there were that many. Infact, I picked up a magazine that was 100 pages long and every month printed 100 pages of cheat codes, glitches and exploits.
There is rarely a game you cannot exploit. Why draw the line at oblivion? and why draw the line at enchantment/potion exploits? Lets get rid of the difficulty slider shall we, thats a resause we can use. That makes the world lets dangerous.
The development of skyrim is not about what is found in YOUR game. It is about what is in OUR game. You just need some restraint and some tolerence.