Never really tried, but DOSBox's ability to change CPU cycle and processing power really helps for tweaking performance on-the-fly. It is a well-known fact that Windows 95 and 98 can run Arena and Daggerfall fairly well using their native DOS systems, though I'm not sure about FreeDOS. What system specs are we talking about? Because even if you're booting to DOS on a fairly modern machine, it may be a bit too much.
Don't take my word on any of this though, I became computer literate about a year before DOS went out of style.

I know, but even if you increase the cycle/millisecond count, Arena still chugs if you put the 'Detail' bar anything above empty.
From what I've read, FreeDOS is compatible with just about any DOS program. I'm to assume that includes games.
And my system has 2.00 Ghz CPU with 4.00 GB RAM. Could I potentially make Arena run any faster with increased draw distance?