Freespace 3 ideas!

Post » Fri May 15, 2009 7:12 am

I think starting of as a pre great war mission at Ross (whatever the number was) as a training mission then after fighting some vasudans the first shivans appear and the objective is to escape and survive whilst all the other units get destroyed, then a shorterned version of the 1st games start cutscreen (but with flashier graphics) then after that a history story cut screen about the two wars and all that happened in them with glimpses of different events like the collossus being destroyed etc up until the current games events after the second war sometime...

Also orbital battles would be enjoyable.....

Any more ideas? "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!" Image
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 3:33 pm

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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 7:43 am

I was in a rush. Give over about it. "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!" Image
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 4:31 pm

Lol Colossus, me and you all the way. We own this section!

I think making missions about teh past two games would be pointless and extremely insufficent as a 'overview and summary'. FS3 would have to start and be, FS3. Maby a dialogue to open up the game, wiht a verbal or cutscene summary might be nice.

But i want [v] and [i]'s ideas on FS3:P
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Amber Ably
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 4:26 pm

hmm yea sounds about right. Do you think the series should be off say another 30-40 years in the future or at earth after the destruction of the Lucifer sometime.

Earth one might get a bit boring though if it was only one system. "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!" Image
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 6:57 am

*ecstasy* :D
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 12:32 pm

Apparently Volition wanted to add them into fs2 but didn't have the time... or found it to impractical at the time. I can't remember which. "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!" Image
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 4:01 pm

First off, I'll wipe my chin of the drool at the PROSPECT of a Freespace sequel.

Next I'll say, yes orbital battles would be nice. If gamesas gets around to this, I would think starting at the onset of a renewed Shivan attack would be great. Just have them come out of nowhere and blow shit up. Maybe recap in the intro of the last 2 wars, and the destruction of (can't recall systems name :oops: ) at the end of Freespace 2.

If anyone has played Starshatter, would you say capitol ship combat on that level was entertaining? Would that perhaps be a good idea in Freespace 3? Or should it just stick with pure fighter combat. I'm all for either, being a die hard fighter pilot in space sims (wing commander, privateer, X-wing, Independence War2, etc.) "What do I WANT? I don't really know. Most of the time I ignore my quest and walk into the homes of others, riffling through people's shelves..."
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 8:30 am

If the final installment were made, I'd like it to explain the Shivan's motives, what happened to Bosch and a return to Earth. If it didn't contain these it would be a serious disappointment.
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 6:11 am

On how to introduce the game to the younger folk out there, how about a relaunch of the whole thing, starting with FS1? The graphics and gameplay can be tweaked (and already are) then that epic story can be replayed by everyone using current resolutions! With the franchise relaunched, then new ideas can be put forward. And imagine if the game could be ported to consoles like the Xbox 360 and PS3?
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 4:50 pm

Well the Source Code Project and FreeSpace Port have already done a good job at reviving the old games.

Porting to consoles is probably already possible, it's just that nobody's tried to do it yet...
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 6:38 am

Thats a good idea. FS1 left loads of room to add different campaigns into. Say a different unit during other engagements (Say this squadron fights in a battle with the Lucifer, whilst the one 1 in FS1 was fighting elsewhere) Then at the end of FS3 have the last two missions off fs1 as them except your in a bomber and have to destroy the Lucifers shields instead of fighting off the fighters in the origional.

Then have fs1 campaign as unlockable also?? "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!" Image
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 4:42 pm

FS cannot and will not be played on console.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 1:12 pm

Actually, that might not be a bad idea. No need to redo all the graphics and whatnot, just port it like they did doom and duke nukem to xbox arcade. Could get some money for development of Freespace 3 that way, and introduce a new generation to an excellent game and story. Hope gamesas is checking this and considers it. I don't own a console, might never, but have friends who do that i know would totally buy a Freespace port since their pc's wont run the game anymore. "What do I WANT? I don't really know. Most of the time I ignore my quest and walk into the homes of others, riffling through people's shelves..."
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 3:57 am

big ships, little ships, lasers, missiles, explosions.

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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 5:04 am

i belive that freespace 3 should be blended into descent 4 ( d4 storyline, and freespace AI [maybe we can hav Ai frends with it]) "When you learn to control your emotions and tame them, no matter what situation you're in, you will then truly become king."-Sonny, speaking to a young boy
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 7:44 am

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont do that.
Just please. try to keep it canon to Silent Threat Reborn.
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 11:23 am

If Bosch returns he'd be able to act as interpreter for the Shivans and shed some more light on what's going on. I'm assuming they didn't kill him.

How about having the Ancients return as a 4th race? They would join the GTVA and have some awesome new stuff to share with them, letting them take the fight to the Shivan systems instead of just running away like they did in the first 2 games. :D

D4 would be SWEET with a few outdoor space fights but still keep the 2 series separate. Descent was always mostly inside but FS was ALL outside. Maybe it would be ok to have some minor inside sections in FS like assaulting some subsystems that are undercover, or entering docking bays but that's it.

For changes in FS3... I'd love to be able to swap weapons when I rearm mid-mission. Some of them in FS2 were really situational and you didn't want to pick them in case they weren't gonna be useful for that mission cos you'd be stuck with em. I picked the same weapons every time because I didn't know what to expect and wanted to play it safe. Do any of you know the tale of how cornmeal came to be?
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 7:12 am

How about an expansion pack, at the very least, answering the unanswered questions from FS2 (like Bosch, what the communication with the Shivans was like, etc.)? Not that I wouldn't love a straight sequel, but, after all, there was an expansion to the first game... :D

Also... given how complex the controls are for this game, how many different commands you need to have access to, there's no way this game could be ported directly to a console. It'd have to be reworked completely.
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Post » Fri May 15, 2009 11:19 am

Freespace 3 should have OpenGL3.0 support so it can be played by Linux & Aplle Macintosh players as well, like the Freespace 1, 1.5 and 2 supported 3dfx Glide and OpenGL back then Apple, Linux and PC players could enjoy the game, the consoles of today are not made to run such games that need alot of cockpit comman keys, you'd seriously run out of buttons heh.

FS3 shold be PC / Mac & Linux only, the same as it's predecessors were. Holder Of The World's Largest Descent / Freespace Collection:
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