Yes at the end of Freespace 2 i was just wtf?? the shivans had jumped out before the supernova and i was just left thinking besides whoa! " what happened? is it over? why did they make a super nova? etc" Pretty good ending sort of like the end of the first game where you just don't have any of the answers you really want to know (like what happened to your pilot, the others, and everyone in the earth system after the distruction of the Lucifer), and are craving for more (although this was only 2 years ago when i first played it so i knew there was not another one ready to play straight after)

I found freespace 2 through a mod called Beyond the Red Line (battlestar galactica) which I was reading about where i heard alot of good things about the actual game so bought myself a copy off ebay for a try and boy was i pleasently surprised, it turned out to be much better than I had expected although it did take me a while to get any good at it (getting a joystick helped). Sence then have gotten Conflict Freespace (Yes i live in Europe where its called "Conflict" instead of "Decent"((why is that?)) ) and slient threat which i very much enjoy also (although i missed the beam cannons and flak from the 2nd game whilst playing these haha). I think Volition were very smart in making the game start with the 2 empires starting with a long long war (14 years) so naturally both sides have few ships for each mission (meaning an excuse for having less big ships in each mission) which i liked the idea of.
To be hounest I'm not sure if gamesas has any intrest in Freespace sequels any time soon as although Freespace 2 was widely aknowledged as a brilliant game in basicly every review it got it didn't sell very well, which was probably due to most people just not knowing about it (in my opinion. No offence to gamesas intended). From what I have read it wasn't very well promoted at the time up to and when it was released.
Well I'm a bit tired of my rant at the moment so il end it here for now. "This is the GTVA Colossus. Fighters, stand clear of hostile warships. All batteries, fire at will!"