Freeze.... omg i'm so sick of it!

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 11:09 am

Well hello to you all who like to enjoy their free time in fallout world...

I was one of you... and tbh I still am even though it's pretty close that my xbox 360 controller won't fly out of the window.
I noticed that some of you experienced same freezing problem as meh, that it freezes at load screen... well I found a solution to that... take auto saves off..

Ok, one problem solved, another (more annoying) coming.
I like to gamle in games... and i have been banned for every casino so I decided to start playing caravan... Well I won't... thanks to that ****ing freezing.
Every time I try to buy caravan cards my console just freezes.... well I decided to try to buy one at the time... after each bought i had to wait 10sec before doing anything so i woudn't freeze... I was like "yay!!!! i got the deck!" well... ofc i forgot to save and started to play caravan against some random dude near the guy i bought the cards... Well i played and played and finaly I got the achievement and all other s**t like that...
After that i decided to fast travel to my quest place (boomer place) and then it came... my console just freezed.... I must admit that that might have been the first time that I EVER got really pissed off because of the game. And tbh this is first time i decide to bring up my experience from game bug.

I'm just wondering... this game company did a great job with fallout 3+dlc and oblivion+dlc... Why do you test my believe in you!

Thank you for reading this.
I hope that there will be some sort of solution / fix coming.
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meghan lock
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:52 am

Freezing happens because of memory leaks me thinks..
(sort of the same thing that happens in Skyrim..).
Best way to avoid is... as soon as you encounter any kind of lag ... save.. and reload... That, for me at least seems to work.
Other Methods are:
1. Clear the systemcache... (hw) which will mean you lose all patches and have to redownload them.. (
2. Clear the cache.. (sw) which will just clear the cache used for temp stuff (when the game starts to boot up, hold LB+RB+X. Keep holding that until the Bethesda logo is gone)

Other tips.. don't drop stuff.. but store it..
Don use energy weapons... ash piles and plasma puddles are also known to cause lag.
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George PUluse
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:11 pm

Yep, noticed that it happens usually pretty randomly... well now i'm stuck at brotherhood of steel bunker and every time I step outside and it starts to load... FREEZE! Great game....

Might as well try that method you suggested... desperate times need desperate acts...

Edit: tested your method... Well, I did get out of the brotherhood bunker at last... so it works, don't know for how long but... :)

Thank you!
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:45 am

I love fallout 3 and skyrim. But it does annoy me how bethseda latly has been letting their games freeze and well they dont finish the games and still patch them after the release date. I wish fallout could come out complete. I dont mind pushing backa release date if it means makeing a better game.
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Haley Cooper
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