Freezes and game ruining

Post » Mon Mar 15, 2010 6:48 am

I have been having an unacceptable number of crashes during gameplay. Cleared cache and still freezing during combat. I've backtracked to previous saves, tried saving in new areas and quest objectives and I'm on my 10th reboot of the night. Not to be an A-hole but I never had anything like this with Fallout 3. I would love to know why this is happening. All other games are currently working perfectly. (I'm so mad I am on thefringe of abandoning this installment and demanding a refund). I've even gone so far as to reduce display settings to 720 (I know most games top at 720, but it usually still appears to be a slightly better appearance with my 1080i TV).
I really am let down with this game being delivered with SO many bugs and most importantly stability issues. I have broken quests (not greyed out even when quest contact is dead!) Companions lost in previous checkpoints, Van Graff apparel magically disappearing in inventory but reappearing as two sets when distributed, Framerate issues that are sadly reminiscent of Oblivion (never could play it through due to such shoddy Framerate issues, and now I am stuck at level 23 with consistent freeze and lock.
Help or can anyone suggest how I can maintain any patience before I completely give up?
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gary lee
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