Freezes Galore

Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:46 am

I have, and my game runs as smooth as fact, it actually cleared up some of the problems, such as the breezehome lockout glitch.
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:25 pm

I have the same load order, as you can see. Still stuck.

I tried using COC Whiterun command, for an off-Solstheim load area. Same deal. Loading forever and ever and ever..

Manual saves cause my game to freeze. I open the menu, hit save aaaaand.. It gets stuck.

Nothing seems to be helping at all.
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Neko Jenny
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:05 pm

I looked at the Papyrus Log and what is new is that the script for the Riekling quest is looping itself and sometimes reports Vram freezing. Maybe that is the thing. Also some people report uGrids higher than 5 are causing issues with the DLC.
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Amber Ably
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Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:42 am

I have confirmed it is isolated to one file. Completely confirmed.

This also happens to be my absolute favorite file.

Is there a way to "clean" a player file, by any chance?

I have removed a few mods I think may have been problematic (Dragons Diversified and Wyrmstooth) and now get the "Save content relies on.." message.

I really want to save my character =/
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Mariaa EM.
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:25 pm

Skyrim crashes after 10 - 15 minutes of gameplay, I have to manually reboot. i had downloaded it from several people same problem. I like Skyrim so much I bought the Legendary Edition and it is on Steam. I have several games on Steam. To my surprize same problem. Any solutions?

My Rig: i7 360 3.2GHz, 7970 radeon, 12 GB Cosair Vengence 1600 MHz, 950 Watts Cosair 950TX, X-Fi Xtreme Gamer 24BIT, ASUS VG278 27" monitor, Windows 7 Home Edition

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Dean Brown
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:11 pm

Open Skyrim.ini (My Documents/My Games/Skyrim) and add the following to it:


Afterward, in that same folder you will see a new folder called Logs. Inside that: Script. Inside Script you will (eventually) find 4 logs. Double click and they should open with notepad or any text editor.

Papyrus.0.log is the most recent.

At the end of it you will see the last process to happen before the crash.


and you can do this:

Use this with the SKSE install, go to skyrim>data>SKSE and create "SKSE.ini" and type:


Save and close.

It will now clean invalid scripts from mods you don't use anymore from your save game. It will take a while and only works as you play.


Beside that:

You cannot remove any mod, not even the patch, without there being some data that's been permanently changed.

Doing this repeatedly WILL damage your save and WILL eventually lead to it becoming corrupt and unusable.

Bethesda's own developers have confirmed the only way to properly remove a mod is to load a save made BEFORE that mod was introduced into the game.

If you started a new game with 10 mods installed foe example, you're going to be stuck with those 10 forever.

See this utility, can clean save files (Prob not completely - but might solve your issue):

Skyrim Save cleaner:

How to REMOVE ALL embedded scripts from your savegame - Tutorial:


As for the Dragonborn i go try it myself and see what happens. (Only curious !!!! - btw i have installed the new unofficial patch today 1.3.3 (it came out yesterday i think), and it fixes a lot of things.


btw my PC configuration is: Dual Pentium G2020 (2.9 Ghz) - mini ITX Asrock MB - Gainward GTX 660 Gold - 4Gb 1600MHz@1333 - Samsung SSD 840 120 GB. (i play on high settings - A/A disabled, Vsync=enabled)


I have the exact load order as PieLighter stated. (all official and unofficial patches, all DLC's. and the HD textures mod.)

No freeze so far, no ctd's (fingers crossed) :D

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Joie Perez
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Post » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:28 pm

Don't do those things. There is no way to remove scripts from a save game at this point at all. The format is not understood enough to remove such data. Trying those things will damage the save to the point where it is useless.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:33 am

Thank's you stated this....!!!!!! :tops:

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Susan Elizabeth
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