» Tue Jul 23, 2013 8:20 am
Guys I know you don't want to hear this...
But with my ancient savegame (approaching 700 hours) and high-level guy, I have had ZERO crashes.
No freezes; no glitches; no weird stuff at all, of any kind.
I have spent almost 100 hours on Solstheim (is that possible? the DLC just came out) but the point is: it's solid as a rock.
I'm back in Skyrim now with this Tedryn guy in his Chitin armour, and me in Stahlrim... Nice.
Can't remember when I last had a crash - Christmas or something?
The reason I'm saying this is:
I followed The Proceedure.
Gungho1 gave a pretty good outline...
#1 - strong PC, all tuned up. Nothing running in the background. No AV; nothing. Heck I even disable Aero Desktop and play in Classic mode. Big swapfile, on its own harddisk.
#2 - Nvidia Control Panel. All the mysteries of the world can be setup in there... (Radeon equivalent, CCC or whatever, too.)
I could write a whole long post about Control Panel settings - but the gist of it is, everything set to all High Performance, or Application Controlled. No AA enhancements; nothing.
I like a very high framerate (60 FPS minimums) so I can run VSync. 40 FPS average (with 25 FPS minimums) is unacceptable.
#3 - I have I think 8 mods, mostly to make the game more challenging. Higher Level Enemies, Resiliant Dragons, that sort of thing... no dopey "water sparkle" mods or whatever... y'know?
#4 - The game requires The Unofficial Skyrim patch; the Unofficial Dawnguard patch; the Unofficial Hearthfire patch; and the Unofficial Dragonborn patch. In that order. Speaking of which...
#5 - run BOSS. Very smart guys developed these tools (BOSS, WryeBash, and TES5Edit) and you should be aware of them, even if you don't really require Bash if you're not too mod-happy.
Boss in fundamental though, for everyone. BOSS will have observations and might have complaints. You might need TES5Edit to address the complaints (or not, if your game's running okay).
#6 - TES5Edit. I was surprised (shocked actually) that BOSS had no problem with my mods but complained bitterly about Beth's DLCs! It even complained about the official patch (called 'Update').
I cleaned Update, then I cleaned the DLCs one by one, all of them. It was hard to believe this is required - but like I said, Elminster and Arthmoor and all these guys are smart. So I did it.
#7 - Final prep. Run Disk Cleanup on your Boot partition. Defrag your disks. Get all those screen-capture bitmaps out of your Skyrim directory (they're like 6MB each!) Run BOSS one last time.
Reboot your PC. Fire up Steam, put it on Library. Then close it. My Steam and my Skyrim both Run as Administrator (you tick the box on the compatibility tab).
Steam actually complained about that, heheh... No matter! Do it.
Your savegame is PRECIOUS. Treat it like gold. Don't enable and disable things (mods) willy-nilly. NEVER disable USKP once it's present in your savegame... or you'll never see 700 hours.
What else? I dunno, maybe others have some input...
Oh yeah, ever since they pushed the new SkyUI on me, I'm using SKSE (the script extender). Painless. It works - and now, so does my SkyUI, heheh...
Boss checks on SKSE too, and tells you if you have the latest version. Nothing escapes the BOSS's attention.
Turn your graphics settings down! I use 'High' as my starting point, not 'Ultra'. Disable AntiAliasing! (remember? 60 FPS minimums!)
When you don't maintain high framerates your game can be CRASHY. Especially when there's a lot going on - if they get down into the 30's or 20's you're toast.
It's the MINIMUM - the worst-case scenario - we're concerned with.
Actually your frames should never go below 60 FPS if you want to use VSync...
Those settings people tell you to use (and they even recommend on nVidia's webpage) are BS.
30 FPS is acceptable to them. I've had people insist I'm crazy! "60 FPS? Why on earth do you want that? Turn your settings higher!"
I have a fast multi-core CPU with big $$ platform and triple-channel memory.
This too is a big factor in my stability, since Skyrim is so CPU-intensive. I'm lucky to have high-end stuff (but my rig is from 2008 - it's not new at all).
I suppose in a way it's unfortunate, but you must get real serious with your rig if you want to play Skyrim!
(I know - it would be nice if it just worked, or what? LoL)
100 hours on Solstheim; not one crash. What can I say? It IS possible.
The game's not 'broken' (well, not after TES5Edit and the Unofficial patches are finished with it, anyway).
Try some of the stuff I'm recommending, to see if you can get your game STABLE.
That's square one! Once it is solid, you can start adding some stuff (AA or whatever) back in if you wish...
Or not. You might enjoy solid and stable!
Good luck,