I am running the following mods:
Atmospheric Loading Screens
Bank of Cyrodiil
Call Steed/Saddlebags
City Gates
Conduit Magic
Curse of Hircine
DarNified UI
Dwenmer Skyship
Elsweyr Anequina
Extended Imperial City
Hoarfrost Castle
Kvatch Rebuilt
Map Marker Overhaul
Merchant Inventory Realism
Midas Magic Spells of Aurum
Midas Oscruo Gems
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
Portable Campsite
Universal Armor Stand
All Unofficial Patches
Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System
And, naturally, Oblivion Script Extender. Also, I'm using the GotY edition, plus SI.
I got most of these mods from tesnexus.com.