So i take it the game is heavily modded with textures like tropical skyrim/skyrim 2k, and intense scripted mods like frostfall?
1. Where do you get the freeze
2. Does it only happen there? What about others?
3. The place you got the freeze, is it graphically intensive(e.g. a lot of trees)
4. Does it come up with an error after the freeze(e.g. CTD or skyrim has stopped responding)
5. have you checked your temperatures of the GPU/CPU(may not be relevant but just asking)
6. lastly, did you visit that place BEFORE and get no freeze?
As a matter of fact, i do happen to have a lot of freezes as my game hours increased. Normally for freezes i blame scripted events. Maybe a scripted event failed to start? In my game, the area prone to freeze is the falkreath and riften forest. The trees are the reason why.