Freezing Dirty Disk Error Morrowind GOTY

Post » Sun May 05, 2013 8:50 am

We have been busily compiling information about the problems that some of you are experiencing with Morrowind GOTY Xbox freezing or displaying a dirty disk message.

Following is a list of suggestions we have for any of you that are experiencing freezes or dirty disk messages. This post may be updated as more information is gathered.

This can usually be corrected by removing the previous version of Morrowind from the Xbox hard drive. -To remove Morrowind from an Xbox, use the steps below:

First, make a backup of any Morrowind saves you wish to keep:

1. Turn on the Xbox console with no disc in the disk tray.
2. Select MEMORY, and then select Xbox Hard Disk
3. Select the specific individual saved game name in the collection of saved games.
4. Select COPY to move that saved game to an Xbox Memory Unit.

Then, to remove all Morrowind information from the Xbox hard drive:

1. Turn on the Xbox console with no disc in the disk tray.
2. Select MEMORY, and then select Xbox Hard Disk.
3. Select the Morrowind game.
4. Select REMOVE GAME to delete the selected game, including all it's saved games, from the Xbox hard disk. Select YES when prompted "Are you sure you want to permanently remove this title?".

If you are getting a dirty disk error while playing your Xbox, try the following:

1. Try using a DVD Cleaning kit to make sure the lens is clean and free of dirt and foreign material.

2. If the game is freezing at the same spot every time, try deleting the save files for the game from the hard drive and try the game again. (you can back them up to a memory card). You might also delete everything from the drive (soundtracks, etc) from the drive, as this has also been known to fix this type of problem.

3. Try the game in another Xbox, or exchange it at the retailer to make sure it's not the particular copy(check for smudges, fingerprints, smudges beforehand).

4. Try clearing your cache of the game. To clear your Xbox's cache of the game, you need at least three other Xbox games. Place the first game in and let it load until it gets to the game's main menu. Next, repeat this process with the other two games. Once finished, place in the game experiencing the issue and try the game.

5. Contact Xbox support at 1-800-4MYXBOX.
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