Really frustrating when game companies abuse the patch ability. Used to be that patches were to correct unforeseen bugs either with new hardware, or software upgrades/expansion packs. Now game companies release broken/bugged games and then decide wether or not to patch it. The way I see it, if by the time they release the final DLC for New Vegas, if the game has not been fixed, they will not fix the game.
Unfortunately game companies, having gone past the initial rush of sales would not see it profitable to continue dumping money into supporting their product, since anyone who wanted the game would have already bought it. Just as unfortunate are the consumers who (myself included) have continued to purchase software from companies who release bugged games. Fallout 3 NEVER saw a final patch to completely address the issues plaguing it. Even when you call the number printed in the back of the manuel for technical and customer support, the representative has no knowledge of any of the bugs that you report other than extended play of more that a few hours will cause the game to start to freeze. They will always respond that a patch is in the process and will be released soon. However there have been no such patches announced in the past weeks with the exception of the patches released for the PC.
I just hope I remember this when the next game form Bethesda is released, because they have given me no reason to continue to purchase their buggy products. Just seems that you can't have an awesome game that works at the same time.
So for now I will continue to wander the wasteland carrying Boone's Sniper Rifle, hoping one day I can return it to him. Avoiding certain locations that always cause the game to lock up. Hoping that I will actually be able to finish Fallout: New Vegas.