The screen goes pure black, with the sound playing until the tracks end. I have to hard reboot by cutting the power. I have alot of games, and I'm not having the same issues with any others.
I'm using the 270.51 Nvidia Beta drivers, and I tried the one's previously as well. All drivers installed after using Driver Sweeper in safe mode to clean the old ones out.
AM3 965 @ 3.8Ghz on H70 cooler
8GB OCZ Platinum DDR3 RAM
2 x GTX 470 in SLI @ 715Mhz
900W Antec High Current PSU with 160 Amps on quad +12V rails
24" HD BenQ monitor @1080p @60Hz
Temperartures for GPUs stay at around 70C otherwise my GPU fans kick up to 80% and sound like a jet, so I know the temps are ok for the GPU.
I have also tried using stock speeds for all my hardware, but the fault persists.