Woah, ha hoh! These are simply gorgeous and realistic! I love the Redguards, you did a fabulous job with the textures.
Though, that Dunmer male looks a little like Spock. With a goatee.

:) Spock was such a great elf oops i mean Vulcan

Actually i should look up a photo of Leonard Nimoy as he has aged beautifully and would make a really good ancient Dunmer
I've finally completed the Redguard males - they were um problematic - blending high res stubble into the scalp and jaw backgrounds is a skill I have yet to perfect - I understand why some face makers have gone for the super blended painted look - however that was the very reason i wanted to do higher res faces as for me personally the blended look no longer works - that said my females look a bit airbrushed at times though mainly because their source pic was :shrug: oh well
Here are the last of the Redguards
I wanted a http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/1954/rgm05.png and think this does it
Also was after http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4893/rgm06final.png and thought this might work - a dear friend who has been watching me do these and generally picks who the face was built on really quickly said of this one - he's sweaty

um well I desaturated him and turned the brightness down but he is always going to look a little wet - mind you must be hot running around the Island in a tin suit
Have added a couple of shoulder length hairs for the Redguards for disguising blending jawlines - but most of the hairs are short.
Finished the female Bretons http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/4198/brf06.jpg
And done a couple more Dunmer
http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/1396/def06.png this one turned out quite different from what I was expecting and i think captures a bit of the surly Dunmer attitude
I spend a lot of time looking at eyes and expressions of source pics to try and avoid blandness - unless the photo is really obscured with hair or the wrong angle i avoid symmetry as much as possible - there are lots of face mods that are symmetrical in nature but people aren't - their noses are crooked, one eye is at a different height or angle, mouths are twisted and so on ... so I'm trying to leave in as much quirks as possible - anyways the faces continue